Monday, May 11, 2009

Life Under The Sun

So today at work....actually for sometime now, I have been pondering as to how fleeting life is. This sounds depressing, and it probably is depressing, but that is what is on my mind...

I first had this thought when I was in Fountain Valley last summer: I left work on a Friday afternoon  and went to help Fe and Ruth move from Orem to Fountain Valley. We loaded the truck and cars and drove all day to get to Nevada where we spent the night, and the next day we drove some more until we arrived in southern Cali. Once at our location, we spend the rest of the evening unloading. At one point we got news that Bernie Mac had passed away...the sun was setting and there was a cool breeze in the air when I had the thought: he was only 50-years-old and (to me) he was so young and (again, to me) he passed away so suddenly! I quickly imagined all that he accomplished, and suddenly he's gone. How will he be remembered? How will I be remembered?

This weekend the thought came to me again when I went to ice skating with the singles ward. The 7 of us were having a good time until my friend and co-chair in the activities committee fell and hit her head pretty hard on the ice. She seemed fine when we got her off the ice, but as time went on she remembered less and less what happened. Long story short, she had a CAT scan that showed a concussion. One minute we were having fun and the next my friend has memory loss. She is fine now, but it was interesting how quickly things changed.

Last but not least, there is an elderly woman who every two months gets her toenails trimmed by Dr. Green. She is blind and her elderly husband always brought her and lovingly guided her to and from the car and the chair. Then this week when this patient came she had her daughter guiding her, which I thought was odd. As I showed them to the exam room I inquired how the husband was doing and the reply was that he had passed away from BRAIN CANCER!

What's the lesson to be learned here? 1)We are here on Earth for a purpose and there is little to no control over how much time we have. 2)We have to use this time to grow and learn all we need in order to be ready to return home.

On a lighter note, the new Star Trek movie is awesome!


REGS said...

Great Posting! So true. Thanks for the thoughts.

Nebes said...

hey, thanks for reading!

Fe said...

That was a good posting. Your blog is always a worthwhile read. The lesson: keep your priorities straight and enjoy life as best you can. You never know when you might be on a trip to SoCal ice skating with Bernie Mac, hit your head on the ice, and die of brain cancer. j/k!

Dawn said...

Thanks for your thoughts. Its so very true how quickly life can pass you by. I guess that's why we need to enjoy every moment that we can. I hope all is well :)