Saturday, April 4, 2009

What a Weekend!

So this weeked was a heck of a weekend, with my brother's wedding and all...While there I had the chance to revisit with a very dear friend from yonder...Adriana Olvera, or as I call her still, Ms. Olvera.

I was introduced to Ms. Olvera in 1998 when I arrived at Orem Junior High for my first day of school (without knowing a lick of English). Sister Martin took me there with Rigo and my dad and we got to the office and Sister Martin talked to this lady. The lady asked me if I spoke Spanish and I remember responding "un poquito" and she spoke on the intercom and soon after that another woman walked in who started speaking Spanish to me and took me to class....okay, long story short, toward the end of the semester we made our own version of Cinderella, based on the 1997 movie with Whoopi Goldberg.



Ginger said...

Wow, Renato. You guys were so much the same back then. But I can't believe how strong your accents were. Never would have guessed after knowing you now. Talvez eu posso esperar mais por o meu portugues agora. Algumas vezes eu penso que eu nao vo falar correto na toda minha vida.
Anyway. Thanks for sharing! :-D

Nebes said...

voce fala portugues muito bem! quando voce fala portugues eu sempre video, eu nao consigo entender o que eu falo...

Fe said...

It's crazy that your teacher came to the reception. It's even crazier that it's been so long since those days... But thank heavens. There were some tough times back then.....

REGS said...

Love the video! It's amazing how much a person can learn and how fast. You guys learned English fairly quickly from what I remember. Good Job Bro!!!