Monday, April 28, 2014

Living Water

My favorite reading this week was in John 4, which for the most part deals with an encounter Jesus had with a Samaritan woman.

The scriptures explain that Jesus was headed to a place that required Him to go through Samaria, which for the Jews was such a disliked thing that most would go the long way around. This apathy can be traced to an old rivalry, but because the Savior was above such things, He spared no effort to teach all that came to Him, and this surprised a woman who was drawing water at a well that Jesus had stopped at to rest.

The woman's surprise came when Jesus asked her to draw some water for Him, and since Jews and Samaritans have no dealing with each other, the was surprised, but because Heavenly Father does not discriminate and wants all to receive His gospel (2 Nephi 26:33), the Savior used His encounter as a teaching opportunity.

The Savior's response to the woman's surprise was that if she knew who was requesting the water, then she would have asked to receive living waters. The Savior spoke in symbols and the woman did not understand, but because of His compassion, the Savior explained to her when one drinks of physical water, thirst always returns, but the water that He gives satisfies thirst forever and leads to salvation. The woman, who at this point must have been touched by the Spirit, further inquired and asked for the water the Savior offered.

Jesus gave her what I like to think as a small taste of the living water, which the woman gladly took, enjoyed, and ran to her city to tell others about it. The scripture is even clear to state that the woman left her instruments behind and ran. This is a very touching detail that shows the woman's sincerity and need for the living water. I love that she was so touched by what she felt that she was not even concerned about her waterpot, and that her main concern at that moment was to have others also partake of the living water. The people from the city came and also partook of the living water and Jesus stayed with them for two days before continuing on His journey.

This story is significant for the following reasons:

  1. I mentioned above, illustrates that God is not respecter of persons, and gives of His Spirit to all who seek Him, not matter what living conditions or circumstances we find ourselves in. His arms are always open.
  2. The Jews of the time were convinced that they were the preferred children of God and that only they would have the gospel, but Jesus showed his disciples that the gospel was to go to all the world, which eventually it did, starting after Jesus' resurrection and ascension to heaven.
  3. We all have need of living water, and it is not enough for us to casually sip of that water. Physically, we are reminded of when we need water because our bodies tell us through the thirst mechanism, especially during hot days or after strenuous activity, but when the weather is colder, we may go longer without drinking water. Spiritually, the same happens to us. Sometimes we become complacent with drinking our living water when conditions are such that we do not feel the need for that precious water.
Thankfully for us, the Lord always has his arms open for us, not matter what we have done, and He will give us of the water that will spring within us to eternal life, but first we have to approach Him.

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