Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nano's Resolutions

There is a wonderful movie called Brasil Doce Lar that tells the story of Wayne and Evelyn Beck, who served a mission in Brazil during the 1940's. It is only 26 mins long, and at the end their grandchildren talk about the impact their grandparent's experiences had on them.

One granddaughter tells how when grandma Beck was on her deathbed, surrounded by her loving family, she was asked what she needed. Her response was that she wanted to sleep because she had the most lovely dreams when she slept. I thought about what that meant and this is the conclusion I came up with: our dreams come from what is on our mind, so if I surround myself with beautiful things. A quick inventory of video games: Assassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines, God of War, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Resistance: Retribution, inFamous....and the list goes on and on and on. Let's not even talk about movies/television...

My resolution? Better environment =better dreams


Dawn said...

Very good thoughts, I should try it. Its amazing how things impact us without realizing it.

Fe said...

You know, when I was young someone once lent me (should I say, pushed on me) a stack of Conan comics he wanted to read. I started working my way through the pile, but soon was surprised by how much of that stuff showed up in my dreams, and as soon as I stopped reading them my dreams got much better. I know action packed movies/games can be a lot of fun, but they definitely do leave a mark on ya.

Marcio said...

I don't know what your deal is, I wouldn't mind dreaming of being a herculean being with a gigantic axe bringing down the law upon the heads of the undead...

REGS said...

Good job! Hope your mind clears up so you can sleep soundly and dream beautifully!